
OCR Text
CHESS Sept. 22, 1940 A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1123 By J. Berger White mates in (wo. tWh. 6; Bl. 4.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1124 By Percy Bowater White mates in three. Wh. 6; Bl. 3.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1119: N-N6.
SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1120: N-Kti. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge, F. B. Sheldon, J. C. Drake, Dr. R. H. Ross, J. B. Gee, J. Davidson, J. Fonseca. D A. Innes. W. B. Tudor, I. Alexander. C. P. Ford. R. D. Weaver, O. A. Hall. A. D. Reynolds. O. R. Hal-ton, W Harmon, J. M. Mcinhardt, Rev. P. Prichard, H. Bruhn. E H. Schadee, H. P. Matosian, W. L. Koethen, H. J. Gilmore. J. P. Walsh. THE HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP The Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., which is sponsoring this annual tournament announces: J. Wein-stein leads at present with lour wins and no losses and two games adjourned. Undefeated also is G. Reinhardt, with two wins. E. Kovacs won three and lost one, J. chernis has four wins and two games lost. The games are played nightly.
Visitors are welcome. THE HOLLYWOOD MASTER TOURNAMENT Reuben Fine was the winner of this unusual affair which was held at the headquarters of the Hollywood- Chess Group. His score was 4'i-'t. second was Herman Steiner with 3',2-1'j; third Philip Woliston with 2-3 and last Harry Boro chow with no wins. The scheduled sixth round was not played due to illness of Mr. Borochow and the nonapp ppearance of Philio Woliston, who also failed to play off his adjourned game with Herman Steiner therefore losing by default. CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP E. J. Clark of San Francisco recently was visitor in Los Angeies, and in an informal meeting discussed the possibility -f arranging the annual State Championship Tournament in the northern city. The sponsors would be the Merhanic Institute Library Chess Club of San Francisco.
It is hoped that, this may be arranged this coming November. All those desiring to participate please signify their intention by writing in care of the column. The last tournament, which was held In Los Anseles at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group, was won by Philip Woliston. TEXA3 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP We just received word from J. C. Thompson at Dallas who was kind enoueh to send us his eame anainst W. W. Adims. annotated by himself. The tournament was held at Ft. Worth, Tex. We quote; The tournament was a areat experience for us here and has stimulated interest eready. The State tournament had nearly 50 entries. Ineiudine our triends Adams Mayers, Adams djrin't lost any ssmes hi iiijs rvciu. uui Hiiowea inree oraws (he had the whlie pieces in two of these I Three draws were too many and the final standing was: w. L. Pet. .87S .813 .625 ;J. C. Thompson. Dallas .7 1 ' w. w. Adams. Dedham. Mass. S'j l1 D. Mayers, Tucson C. Hnssikononlos, Corpus Christi . 4 4 J. P. Bell. Ft. Worth 4 4 J. W. Siapp. Dallas 3 5 B. Janes. Waco .. 2'i S'j .312 P. B. Holman. Ft. Worth 2'i 5'j .312 R. West, Houston l' 6'j .188 Hrisslkopoulos and Slapp were the draw-ln masters of this tournament, each of them getting six draws. The game between Adams and myself was a draw He had the white men and played his beloved Bishop's Opening.
I followed the defense Fine used asalnst him at Dsllas but he varied somewhat. For your amusement, the game follows: Adams Thompson ! Adams Thompson White Black ! White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4j 5-v.vp p-04 2- B-P4 Kt-KR3! 6-PP KtxP 3- P-03 P-B3) 7-BxKt'Q5) 4- P-Bt Fxp1 This is the Innovation. 7- QxBl'-'-Kt-K4 Kt-02 R-KIKB3 B-K3jl3-KKt-Kt5 Kt-P4 9-0-0 B.K2H4-Kt.Kt BxKtch 10- Kt-R3 Q-KR4 15-P-Q4 QR-Q 11- Q-Q2 O-O 16-P-B3 B-B Perhaps this Is a little too timid? 17- QR-K B-Kt3 In the nick of time I noticed that 17. B-03: 18. BxB.
RxB; 19. KtxBP! would be far from healthy. 18- R-K7 P-KR3 "This and the next move look risky, but everything turns out all rlKht. 19- KNK4 R-Q2I21-BXP ... 20- RxR Bxr! Now the fun hejins.
21- 0-K13IM-0-07 22- Kt-B5 BxKt :2-Q-R3 !3-PxB B-K3:27--Kl3 24-B-B4 BxP1 and we called it a draw. 27 B-Q4 R-K QxQ Q-B7 would have given him somethins to think ibout, but I dldn t feel like working naro A cute same won by John W. Barn- hart in the Class "A" tourney at the (N'w York State Chess Association. QUEEN'S PAWN Bnrnhart White 1- P-04 2- N-KB3 3- R-B4 4- P-K3 5- B-Q3 6- QN-Q2 7- 0-0 8- P-KR3 P.-P-B4 10-Nx" Searle ! Barnhart Searle Black White Black 17-NiB4)-K5 N-B3 13- R-Rl B-Q2 14- K-R1 R-Bl 15- R-KN1 P-B4 16- PXP BxP 17- P-KN4 N-R2 'B-P-NS NxP lfl-NxN PxN P-OI N-KB3 P-K3 ON-Q2 B-K2 P-B3 O-O P-KR3 PxP N-Q4 NIQ2I-N3 20- Q-R5 P-B4 21- UxP B-Kl 11-B-R2 Mate In four 'ai 'm Mr. Firnhsrt mates bv 2S R.XP4-, RxQ , KxR: 23.
R-KN1 . Q-N4; 24. B-N3; 25, RxB mate. COMBINATIVE PI.Af By Dr. Max Euwe (World Champion. 1935-37) COMBINATIONS IN THF. END-GAME. Rinck, British Chess Masazine. 1917) White Flays and Wins This example shows combinative play on both sides Both the white and black i z::y.:, wMk - 1 u; -.- 4 I ' " ' : W " 4 : ; j4 HERMAN STEIN ER International Chess Master Address oil mail to Chess Editor rook pawns are very strong, but White's bishop js much better placed than Black s. Aflet 1. Ml White apparently must win easily. But Black has a combinative move which manes matters difficult. Pinning the White bishop and threatening to win oy bxb louowea by 3. . .
. P-R7 -'. BxB P-Kt.3 Cutting off the bishop from the important diagonal and threatening to win, as the black passed pawn is nearer to the promotion aduare tiiiii the white one 3. B-KI8 X-K4 Keeping the bishop away from 05. Now it seems that Black is going to win The fact, however, that the two promotion squares, QR8 for White and KR8 for Black, are on the same diagonal gives White a decisive opportunity.
4. P-RS p.R7 5- B-QS! KB 6- P-R7 F-R queens 7. P-RX eueens with check, gaining Black's eueen. This is an example of high practical importance. ITe be continued) From the Hollywood International Tournament: (Second round) QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING (NIEMZOVITCH DEFENSE) Seiner White 1- P-04 2- N-KB3 3- B-N5 4- P-K4 5- ON-Q2 6- P-K5 7- N-B4 8- B-Q2 9- P-QR3 10- NxRp 11- BxN 12- P-G.N4 Borochow Black N-KB3 P-K3 P-B4 Q-N3 PxP N-04 Q-N5ch Q-B4 P-QR4 N-B6 PxB Q-B2 Steiner White Borochow Black N-B3 BxN 3-Q N-R4 -B3 P-QN3 B-N2 R-QB R-B4 P-N4? R-N Resigns i 13-N-B4 14- N-Q6ch 15- PxB 16- P-N5 17- 0-04 18- N-K5 19- B-Q3 20- O-O 21- P-B4 22- P-QR4 23- QR-K 24- P-B5! NIEMZOVITCH DEFENSE Fine White 1- P-04 2- P-OB4 3- N-QB3 4- P-K3 5- KN-K2 6- P-GR3 7- P-QS 8- P-KN3 Woliston : Fine Black i White N-KB3 j 9-PxKP P-K.3ilO-N.Q4 B-N5U1-B-R3 P-QN3 ' 12-BxP B-N2 13-BxQch B-K2H4-N-K6 P-Q3 j 15-P-B4 P-B31 BISHOP OPENING Woliston Black PxP Q-Q2 P-B4 BxR ONxB R-OB Resigns Woliston White 1- P-K4 2- B-B4 3- P-Q3 4- P-B4 5- BxP 6- PxP 7- Q-B3 8- N-02 9- N-K2 10- O-O 11- N-B3 12- QxN 13- Q-B2 14- BxB 15- OxQ 16- N-N5 17- B-Q5 18- BxN 19- N-R3 20- K-R 21- P-KN3 22- N-B4 23- K-N2 24- P-ON4 25- P-N4 26- P-KR3 Fine (Woliston Fine Black R-KR R-R5 P-Bfich RxPeh R'N5(-B5 R-R5ch B-BDch P-N5 R(B3-R3 RxNch R(N5i-R5 RxR K-B3 B-03 R-Rfich R-R7ch R-R8rh R-OB8 RxPrh R-BR RxPch RxP: K-K4! R-QN6 Black (White P-K4 N-KB3 P-B3 PxP P-04 NxP B-K3 B-K2 O-O P-B4 NxB B-N4 27- PxP 28- N-K5 29- R-R 30- NxP 31- K-R3 32- N.R2 33- K-N3 34- K-N2 35- QR-K 3h-NxP 37-K-B3 38-RxR ;39-R-K7cn ;40-RP ;41-P-R3 I42-K-K2 :43-K-0 ! 44-K-K2 45- R-Ri 46- K-Q :47-P-N5 '4S-K-K2 U!-Rxp 50-R-B8 ;51-Resigns.
BxN 0-05 PxQ N-B3 QR-Q PxB B-Kfirh P-KB4 P-N4 P-B5 K-N2 R-B3 P-KR4 PxP From the Dallas tourney: QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Flo White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-QB3 4- B-N5 5- P-K3 6- PxP 7- B-Q3 8- Q-B2 9- 0-0-6 10- KN-K2 11- N-N3 12- P-KR4 Black is every side I B'trdseiE'n Black i White P-04I13-N-B5 P-K3j 14-RB N-KB3 15-B-U3 ON-Q2 !-R-R3 P-B3i!7-Pxp KPxP;i8-BxN B-K'.'i!')-N-K4 O-O 20-P-R5 R-Kl'21-N-OB N-Bl -22-PxNp B-K3 23-B-B4 P-OR3 Burdse Black BxN P-KN3 N-K3 P-B4 P-Q5 BtB B-N2" P-B4 R-K2 RPxP Resiens powerless and men aced on Here is an excitinj same from Russia: RUY LOPEZ Osmolowski DzaeurovDmolowskl Dzauroy White Black ' White Black 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-N5 4- B-R4 5- 0-0 8-B-N3 7- N-N5 8- PxP 9- R-K1 P-K4! 10-RxP a N-QB:mi-P-KR3 p-qr:i'i2-nxbp N-B3;13-NxR P-QN4 14-P.Q3'a) P-Q3 15-RPxN P-04-"!Ifi-K-R2 N-OS: 17-Q-RKb) B-QB4 ' Mate! O-Bl. BxP!; 15. PxB, K-Bl N-Q2 Q-B3 NxR NxB N-B6 al If 14. Q-BI. PxP!; 15. PxB, N(K4 h : lb. K-N2. Q-N4: 17. K-Rl. Q-K4: 18.
Q-N2, Q-K8 and mste next move, ibi If 17. PxB, J-R5 mate! Eric W. Marehand, long a powerful fls-ure m Missouri chess circles, made his presence felt in the Pallas tourney. Here are some of his victories:
SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1120: N-Kti. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge, F. B. Sheldon, J. C. Drake, Dr. R. H. Ross, J. B. Gee, J. Davidson, J. Fonseca. D A. Innes. W. B. Tudor, I. Alexander. C. P. Ford. R. D. Weaver, O. A. Hall. A. D. Reynolds. O. R. Hal-ton, W Harmon, J. M. Mcinhardt, Rev. P. Prichard, H. Bruhn. E H. Schadee, H. P. Matosian, W. L. Koethen, H. J. Gilmore. J. P. Walsh. THE HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP The Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., which is sponsoring this annual tournament announces: J. Wein-stein leads at present with lour wins and no losses and two games adjourned. Undefeated also is G. Reinhardt, with two wins. E. Kovacs won three and lost one, J. chernis has four wins and two games lost. The games are played nightly.
Visitors are welcome. THE HOLLYWOOD MASTER TOURNAMENT Reuben Fine was the winner of this unusual affair which was held at the headquarters of the Hollywood- Chess Group. His score was 4'i-'t. second was Herman Steiner with 3',2-1'j; third Philip Woliston with 2-3 and last Harry Boro chow with no wins. The scheduled sixth round was not played due to illness of Mr. Borochow and the nonapp ppearance of Philio Woliston, who also failed to play off his adjourned game with Herman Steiner therefore losing by default. CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP E. J. Clark of San Francisco recently was visitor in Los Angeies, and in an informal meeting discussed the possibility -f arranging the annual State Championship Tournament in the northern city. The sponsors would be the Merhanic Institute Library Chess Club of San Francisco.
It is hoped that, this may be arranged this coming November. All those desiring to participate please signify their intention by writing in care of the column. The last tournament, which was held In Los Anseles at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group, was won by Philip Woliston. TEXA3 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP We just received word from J. C. Thompson at Dallas who was kind enoueh to send us his eame anainst W. W. Adims. annotated by himself. The tournament was held at Ft. Worth, Tex. We quote; The tournament was a areat experience for us here and has stimulated interest eready. The State tournament had nearly 50 entries. Ineiudine our triends Adams Mayers, Adams djrin't lost any ssmes hi iiijs rvciu. uui Hiiowea inree oraws (he had the whlie pieces in two of these I Three draws were too many and the final standing was: w. L. Pet. .87S .813 .625 ;J. C. Thompson. Dallas .7 1 ' w. w. Adams. Dedham. Mass. S'j l1 D. Mayers, Tucson C. Hnssikononlos, Corpus Christi . 4 4 J. P. Bell. Ft. Worth 4 4 J. W. Siapp. Dallas 3 5 B. Janes. Waco .. 2'i S'j .312 P. B. Holman. Ft. Worth 2'i 5'j .312 R. West, Houston l' 6'j .188 Hrisslkopoulos and Slapp were the draw-ln masters of this tournament, each of them getting six draws. The game between Adams and myself was a draw He had the white men and played his beloved Bishop's Opening.
I followed the defense Fine used asalnst him at Dsllas but he varied somewhat. For your amusement, the game follows: Adams Thompson ! Adams Thompson White Black ! White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4j 5-v.vp p-04 2- B-P4 Kt-KR3! 6-PP KtxP 3- P-03 P-B3) 7-BxKt'Q5) 4- P-Bt Fxp1 This is the Innovation. 7- QxBl'-'-Kt-K4 Kt-02 R-KIKB3 B-K3jl3-KKt-Kt5 Kt-P4 9-0-0 B.K2H4-Kt.Kt BxKtch 10- Kt-R3 Q-KR4 15-P-Q4 QR-Q 11- Q-Q2 O-O 16-P-B3 B-B Perhaps this Is a little too timid? 17- QR-K B-Kt3 In the nick of time I noticed that 17. B-03: 18. BxB.
RxB; 19. KtxBP! would be far from healthy. 18- R-K7 P-KR3 "This and the next move look risky, but everything turns out all rlKht. 19- KNK4 R-Q2I21-BXP ... 20- RxR Bxr! Now the fun hejins.
21- 0-K13IM-0-07 22- Kt-B5 BxKt :2-Q-R3 !3-PxB B-K3:27--Kl3 24-B-B4 BxP1 and we called it a draw. 27 B-Q4 R-K QxQ Q-B7 would have given him somethins to think ibout, but I dldn t feel like working naro A cute same won by John W. Barn- hart in the Class "A" tourney at the (N'w York State Chess Association. QUEEN'S PAWN Bnrnhart White 1- P-04 2- N-KB3 3- R-B4 4- P-K3 5- B-Q3 6- QN-Q2 7- 0-0 8- P-KR3 P.-P-B4 10-Nx" Searle ! Barnhart Searle Black White Black 17-NiB4)-K5 N-B3 13- R-Rl B-Q2 14- K-R1 R-Bl 15- R-KN1 P-B4 16- PXP BxP 17- P-KN4 N-R2 'B-P-NS NxP lfl-NxN PxN P-OI N-KB3 P-K3 ON-Q2 B-K2 P-B3 O-O P-KR3 PxP N-Q4 NIQ2I-N3 20- Q-R5 P-B4 21- UxP B-Kl 11-B-R2 Mate In four 'ai 'm Mr. Firnhsrt mates bv 2S R.XP4-, RxQ , KxR: 23.
R-KN1 . Q-N4; 24. B-N3; 25, RxB mate. COMBINATIVE PI.Af By Dr. Max Euwe (World Champion. 1935-37) COMBINATIONS IN THF. END-GAME. Rinck, British Chess Masazine. 1917) White Flays and Wins This example shows combinative play on both sides Both the white and black i z::y.:, wMk - 1 u; -.- 4 I ' " ' : W " 4 : ; j4 HERMAN STEIN ER International Chess Master Address oil mail to Chess Editor rook pawns are very strong, but White's bishop js much better placed than Black s. Aflet 1. Ml White apparently must win easily. But Black has a combinative move which manes matters difficult. Pinning the White bishop and threatening to win oy bxb louowea by 3. . .
. P-R7 -'. BxB P-Kt.3 Cutting off the bishop from the important diagonal and threatening to win, as the black passed pawn is nearer to the promotion aduare tiiiii the white one 3. B-KI8 X-K4 Keeping the bishop away from 05. Now it seems that Black is going to win The fact, however, that the two promotion squares, QR8 for White and KR8 for Black, are on the same diagonal gives White a decisive opportunity.
4. P-RS p.R7 5- B-QS! KB 6- P-R7 F-R queens 7. P-RX eueens with check, gaining Black's eueen. This is an example of high practical importance. ITe be continued) From the Hollywood International Tournament: (Second round) QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING (NIEMZOVITCH DEFENSE) Seiner White 1- P-04 2- N-KB3 3- B-N5 4- P-K4 5- ON-Q2 6- P-K5 7- N-B4 8- B-Q2 9- P-QR3 10- NxRp 11- BxN 12- P-G.N4 Borochow Black N-KB3 P-K3 P-B4 Q-N3 PxP N-04 Q-N5ch Q-B4 P-QR4 N-B6 PxB Q-B2 Steiner White Borochow Black N-B3 BxN 3-Q N-R4 -B3 P-QN3 B-N2 R-QB R-B4 P-N4? R-N Resigns i 13-N-B4 14- N-Q6ch 15- PxB 16- P-N5 17- 0-04 18- N-K5 19- B-Q3 20- O-O 21- P-B4 22- P-QR4 23- QR-K 24- P-B5! NIEMZOVITCH DEFENSE Fine White 1- P-04 2- P-OB4 3- N-QB3 4- P-K3 5- KN-K2 6- P-GR3 7- P-QS 8- P-KN3 Woliston : Fine Black i White N-KB3 j 9-PxKP P-K.3ilO-N.Q4 B-N5U1-B-R3 P-QN3 ' 12-BxP B-N2 13-BxQch B-K2H4-N-K6 P-Q3 j 15-P-B4 P-B31 BISHOP OPENING Woliston Black PxP Q-Q2 P-B4 BxR ONxB R-OB Resigns Woliston White 1- P-K4 2- B-B4 3- P-Q3 4- P-B4 5- BxP 6- PxP 7- Q-B3 8- N-02 9- N-K2 10- O-O 11- N-B3 12- QxN 13- Q-B2 14- BxB 15- OxQ 16- N-N5 17- B-Q5 18- BxN 19- N-R3 20- K-R 21- P-KN3 22- N-B4 23- K-N2 24- P-ON4 25- P-N4 26- P-KR3 Fine (Woliston Fine Black R-KR R-R5 P-Bfich RxPeh R'N5(-B5 R-R5ch B-BDch P-N5 R(B3-R3 RxNch R(N5i-R5 RxR K-B3 B-03 R-Rfich R-R7ch R-R8rh R-OB8 RxPrh R-BR RxPch RxP: K-K4! R-QN6 Black (White P-K4 N-KB3 P-B3 PxP P-04 NxP B-K3 B-K2 O-O P-B4 NxB B-N4 27- PxP 28- N-K5 29- R-R 30- NxP 31- K-R3 32- N.R2 33- K-N3 34- K-N2 35- QR-K 3h-NxP 37-K-B3 38-RxR ;39-R-K7cn ;40-RP ;41-P-R3 I42-K-K2 :43-K-0 ! 44-K-K2 45- R-Ri 46- K-Q :47-P-N5 '4S-K-K2 U!-Rxp 50-R-B8 ;51-Resigns.
BxN 0-05 PxQ N-B3 QR-Q PxB B-Kfirh P-KB4 P-N4 P-B5 K-N2 R-B3 P-KR4 PxP From the Dallas tourney: QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Flo White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-QB3 4- B-N5 5- P-K3 6- PxP 7- B-Q3 8- Q-B2 9- 0-0-6 10- KN-K2 11- N-N3 12- P-KR4 Black is every side I B'trdseiE'n Black i White P-04I13-N-B5 P-K3j 14-RB N-KB3 15-B-U3 ON-Q2 !-R-R3 P-B3i!7-Pxp KPxP;i8-BxN B-K'.'i!')-N-K4 O-O 20-P-R5 R-Kl'21-N-OB N-Bl -22-PxNp B-K3 23-B-B4 P-OR3 Burdse Black BxN P-KN3 N-K3 P-B4 P-Q5 BtB B-N2" P-B4 R-K2 RPxP Resiens powerless and men aced on Here is an excitinj same from Russia: RUY LOPEZ Osmolowski DzaeurovDmolowskl Dzauroy White Black ' White Black 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-N5 4- B-R4 5- 0-0 8-B-N3 7- N-N5 8- PxP 9- R-K1 P-K4! 10-RxP a N-QB:mi-P-KR3 p-qr:i'i2-nxbp N-B3;13-NxR P-QN4 14-P.Q3'a) P-Q3 15-RPxN P-04-"!Ifi-K-R2 N-OS: 17-Q-RKb) B-QB4 ' Mate! O-Bl. BxP!; 15. PxB, K-Bl N-Q2 Q-B3 NxR NxB N-B6 al If 14. Q-BI. PxP!; 15. PxB, N(K4 h : lb. K-N2. Q-N4: 17. K-Rl. Q-K4: 18.
Q-N2, Q-K8 and mste next move, ibi If 17. PxB, J-R5 mate! Eric W. Marehand, long a powerful fls-ure m Missouri chess circles, made his presence felt in the Pallas tourney. Here are some of his victories: