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September 21, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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Chess by Herman SteinerChess by Herman Steiner 21 Sep 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Sept. St. 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 122T BY A. MARI "II Problema" White mates In two moves. (Wh. 9 Bl. 4.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1228 BY 8. LEWMANN 1st Prize Ex Aequo "British Chess Magazine" White mates in three moves, twh. 8; Bl. 10.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1223: B-R8. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1224: B-Q4. We received solutions from the following- M Rudholm. Dodae. J. M. Meln har'dt. L. O. Harlman. Mrs. A. Tovar, M Eimr. 1, Wilcox. A. G. Karn. R. M. Hayes, J. Davidson, H. P. Mntosian. A. D. Reynolds Sr., W. C. Nomng. L. oneppara A S Wells i welcome to our ladder. R. M Crafton Dr. F. B. Shelton. C. P. Ford R Rnslln. D. A. Innes. H. Bruhn. B Bushuefl. J. C. Drake. Rev, P. Prichard, 1. T. Watson, O. B oaxes, j. r. waisn, J E. Tylwer. J. Maushnier, G. A. Hall, s Tavlnr. W B Tudor. E. H. Schadee. w. L. Koethen, G, Francis, miss u. duih-van (welcome to our ladder.) D. Arm strong. G. O lnaer (welcome to our iaa der.t J. Stuff lebeam, J. Fonseca, A. Anton, R. Cleveland, A. J. Daly (welcome to our ladder.) and A. Frank. NEWS OF THE CUBS On Friday. Sent. 12. the Fairfax Chess Croup was guest of the Hollywood Chess Group at 108 N. Formosa Ave. ine occasion was a Rapid Transit Touma ment with eight players on each aide and the result was 59'a-49,i In favor of the Fairfax Chess Group. A return match Is contemplated this coming Friday.
Sept. 26. Visitors are welcome to see this un usual event. CHESS CARNIVAL Program plans are now complete for the biggest chess carnival ever held In the Ban Gabriel Valley, which will take place on Sept. 21, at Santa Anita race track's beautiful clubhouse, under the sponsorship of Recreation Chess Club of Arcadia.
Known is the Second California Chess Carnival, the event is expected to draw chess experts from all over the West to compete for an unusually large list of valuable prizes. Play will start at 1:30 today con tinuing all afternoon and evening, with intermission at 6 p m. and evening play starting at 7:30, according to J, o. noe. tournament manager.
The program is as follows: Sunday. 1:30, Rapid Transit Trophy; 2:30. Club Team Matches Trophy: 3:00, lecture by H. Stelner; 3:30. Ladies' Contest Laaies Gold Necklace: 7:30. Rapid Transit (nonprofessional,) Recreation Chess ciuo $100 gold tropny; :oo. Club Team Matches Finals Trophies for winner and runner-up: 8:30. four-board blindfold ex hibition: 9:30, prires awarded. Entrants must bring own chessmen ana ooaras, and make reservations in advance to Chesa Manager, 1834 Fair-view. Ban Oabriel, Cel., Inclosing 23-cent entrance fee.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOl'RNAMENT The State championship which Is usually held In November, will probably be held In San Francisco In October, we would like to hear opinions from varloys localities. Entries may be sent to Herman Steiner, care this column. CALIFORNIA STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION Requests have come; In from Fresno, Sacramento. 8an Francisco and Los An-gelei for the revival of a Stale Association and Plans are under way for a reorganisation. Any groups Interested please communicate with the writer, care this column.
UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION The United States Chess Federation is contemplating a membership drive throughout the country. We urge every chess player to Join this wonderful or- sanitation. The membership is only $1 per year which gives a yearbook. In itself $1. ao one actually get the membership gratis.
No one should miss this opportunity. For further information, send self-addressed envelope to me writer. WOMEN CHESS STARS 10 PLAT FOR TITLE Mrs. Adele Rivero. woman chess champion of the United States, has signed an agreement to defend her title in an eight-, game match with Miss N. May Karff. the former champion. The match will be held in October and the games will be played at the leading New York chess clubs. The contest between these fair young women chess stars has been arranged byj th Che R.vl. laHin rh.n mnnthl. I to promote interest in the royal game and help to dispel the erroneous Idea that all chess players have long beards. Mrs. Rivero and Miss Karff will demonstrate that attractive young women can play good chess. Mrs. Rivero dethroned miss Krrr and won the' women's championship title in the open tournament held in New York last year. Miss Karff is an outstanding chess player of international remit Sh recently won the Hatel Allen Trophy in i the annual Women's Chess Tournament at' tne Marshall Chess Club. New York. Details of the match and schedule at games will be announced later. A purse of $500 la being raised for the players.
Chess Master I. A. Horowitg, who recentlv played a similar match against Unitrri States Chess Champion Samuel Reshevsky, is tne oniciai treasurer, contributions toward the 'nurse are solicited and m h sent to I. A. Horowitz. care of the Chess Review, 250 W. 57th St. New York. Prom K. L. Haegg's Best Games of Chess ... 22 QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Third game of the fourth match n!i4 at Log Angeles, Feb., 1935: Haest . A. N. Pra wnite 6- N-B3 7- R-QB 8- B-Q3 9- BxBP y Black P-B3 O-O PxP P-QN4I?) Haegg A. N. Pray White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 2- P-QB4 P-K3 3- N-QB3 N-KB3 -, - i .. . This line Is refuted game by White. IA.D.M B St. n ., Or 11. . . i PxP: 13. BN. PtB: n NxRP! Q-R4oh; 14. K-K2!. and if P-B4: 15. PXP. NxP: 16. NxN. BxN: 17. HvPrh or n. u-uz and White wins a P. In the present I PxN(B3) 1 here perhaps the best lT-N-K Q-R4 ! 17-RxB Q-B2 14-0-0 B-N2 1 18-P-R5! N-Q4; P-B3(?) (PI 33- P-Q6 34- RilP If . . . RxR K-N; 38. P- 36-P-R6 37-R-K7 15- N-K5! KR-QB : 19-Q-N3 16- N-B5! BxN! It would be belter simply to let the Q-NP fall after B-B4. etc.
20- N-B3 K-R23-P-.N3 N-N3 21- B-B4 KR-ON 24-BxKP Q-K2 22- P-K4! N-B5I . . . B-B: 25. BxB, QiB: 26. KR-QB, N-K2: 27. P-Q5 wins a second P. 25-R-K N-BI29-0-B1 O.K1 26- B-R3I B-B;30-P-Q51 PxP 27- BsB RxB31-PxP Q-N5 28- OxP QR-NI32-R-BS R.Q R-N5 35-R-B6 R-R r-b jo. win. nxr. ji. n-fo, Q-R6: 31. RxNch! P-R4I38.R.QN7 N-B5 N-N.1I30.O.R4 Simplest Is Q-K3. if RxRin- 40. PiB. R-R8ch; 41. N-K, -Q8; 42. P-Qch and PxN winning. 39. . . . RxR Or if . . . QxN; 40. R-B8ch' RxR: 41. OxRch. K-R2: 42. Q-B2ch. K-R3: 43. PxN. RxR; 44. PxR. OxP. 45. Q-B7! QxNP: 46. P-Q7, and White's K eventually reaches OB8. escaping checks. 40- QxN(?) More exact 40. PxR. R-R8eh; 41. Q-QBI (not Q-KB? S-R6 wins) QxN: 42. P-Qch, K-R2: 43. PxN, RxQch; 44. RxR. Q-N5ch; 45. K-B, Q-R6ch; 46. K-K. QxRPi 47. Q-N5 and wins. 40. . . . OxQ43-N-Q4 R-Q 41- PxQ RxNPj44-R-B7 K-R2 42- P-Q7 R(N7I-N ! If . . . RxRP; 45. R-B8.
R-R; 46. RxR tR8 RxR; 47. N-B6 wins. I 45- N-KS R-KN48-P-Q8(Q) KRxP 46- P-R7 K-N3 49-MR Resigns The other P will queen. SACRAMENTO TS. FOLSOM J. B. Gee writes from Sacramento; "On Aug. 11 niir rlnh nlavffri a milfh with Polsom. Am Incloslm the score, nf the deciding game, being the last one finished wim a score ot j'a-j'j before the end of it." SACRAMENTO FOIJtnM Clements , 0 Backlns 1 Pearson 1 r.rlffith l. Strlplin 0 Williams 1 Bowen 0 Olinger 0 GtJIOCO Clements Oee Polsom Sacramento White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 . 4- P-Q3 5- B-KN5 6- QN-Q2 7- P-B3 8- P-QR4 9- 0-0 10-Q-N3 U-P-P3 12- QR-Q 13- BxB 14- PxP 15-Q-R2 1S-B-K3 17- P-QN3 18- N-N5 19-Q-R4 20- P-QBi 21- QxP 22- Q-R 23- BxN 24- Q-N Black P-K4 N-QB3 B-B4 N-B3 P-Q3 B-K3 O-O P-QR4 Q-K2 QR-N N-R2 P-QN4 PxB RxP Q-B2 KR-N N-B3 Q-K2 N-Q H-NS N-B3 N-Q5 BxB N-R4 in Applegate 0 Meyer 0 ichapman ....... 1 Trousdale 0 Houghton 1 Jacobsen 1 4's PIANO Clement Oee Folsom Sacramento White 25- N(N5).BJ 26- Q-B' 37- K-RJ 28- P-N3 29- P-Q4 30- Q-Q3 31- N-R4 32- P-B4 33- PxP 34- R-B4 35- QR-KB 38- N-N2 37-N-B3 3B-R-B5 39- N-R4 40- Q-KB3?f 41- R-B7 42- QxR 43- QxN 44- N-BS 45- KsR 46- K-N 47- K-B Black B-B4 Q-B3 Q-N3 R-KB PxP N-B3 Q-R3 P-N4 QxP K-R OR-N Q-N3 P-K4 R-R Q-R3 N-Q2 RxR R-KB RxR R-R8ch QxPch P-Q6ch Q-R8 mate.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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